Princess had surgery for Tets yesterday. Surgery got started a little late due to weather. Our surgeon had a little trouble driving in, but he made it and was only about 45 min late. Peanut was a little upset that she was having to go hungry, but we kept reassuring her that it was the best.
We chose her to fall asleep with banana scent because of her nicknames and because it is what I had many years ago when I had surgery as a child. She was asleep before she was poked for anything. They did have some trouble taking blood right before surgery, but they also had trouble during pre-op.
We had a wonderful team that was with her during surgery. She came out of surgery around 3: 30 pm yesterday. They even covered her up with the blanket we brought with her, so I didn't have to see all the tubes in the hall as they took her to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It took a while for us to be able to see her because shortly after she was taken to PICU another patient had to have surgery in there and it was all closed.
We finally got to see her and stay with her around 5:30 pm. She was swollen but her color was pretty good. Shortly after we were by her side, I lifted the blanket so we could see all of her. I just cried. During pre-op we watched a video of what she would look like and what tubes would be in her, but it is hard to see it in your own baby girl.
Blood was draining quite a bit from her drainage tube. The amount she was draining actually went up over the next few hours. She was given many blood products and a transfusion. She started looking quite pale. She was eventually given something called Factor 7. This is what finally helped the bleeding to stop.
This morning she is doing better, just a long hard night. Her color is coming back and the swelling has gone down a little. She was put on a drip to help the swelling go down. We should only be in PICU for part of the weekend. We are hoping to be on the floor by Sunday morning.
Gordon will have to leave today because he works Saturday, but he will come down for most of Sunday. He will be working Monday thru Thursday so it will just be Princess and I during the week.
Feel free to call, text or email us if you have any questions. We love you all and are so thankful for your love and support.
Here is a before picture while we were waiting for surgery:

And after surgery, the next morning:

Here, her dressing was taken off and they took one of the monitors out of her heart:

Sleepy Princess and a lovely pink bow to help her feel cute:
That makes me so sad to see your little baby with all the tubes. I can not imagine how you feel but I do hope that everything works out good for your little girl.
praying for speedy and full recovery.
That makes ME want to cry. We love you so much and will be praying for your princess to heal and recover quickly. (We'll be praying for you and Gordon too.)
you and your family are in my prayers for full recovery.,
aletha and allen, texas
I love this caption:
"Sleepy Princess and a lovely pink bow to help her feel cute."
<3 Catherine
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