
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mixed emotions...

So with the possibility of having a baby in a week approaching, I am really struggling with how I feel.

There is a part of me that would like Peanut to be breech when I go in on Monday so I can have her Tuesday, but there is another part of me that wants to wait until I go into labor naturally.

There seems to be so many advantages to both. One of the biggest advantages of having her next week...I get to hold her sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So, I went in for my check up and sono today. Peanut is still breech...this is not too big of a deal because she has some time to turn.

On September 28th, I will have another sono and if she is still breech, I will be checked into the hospital on the 29th and they will try to do a version. This is where they will try to turn her manually from the outside. Bellow is somethings that we have to be aware of. I copied it from this website. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Although rare, there can be some complications with version:

  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Problems with the baby's heart rate
  • Placental abruption
  • Preterm labor
Version usually is done near a delivery room. If problems occur, the baby then can be delivered quickly, by cesarean delivery if necessary.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Being Proud

I know I shouldn't be thankful of people being proud of me...but I am and to be honest, I am proud of myself too. Let me explain....

Yesterday I had a really bad headache that just kept getting worse as the day went on. By the time I went back into work at 2:00 p.m. I was really just wanting to go home. Because there were enough people working, I ended up leaving work at 3:30 p.m. (three hours early) and going home. I was so thankful. After getting home I toughed base with my mom and Flash and then decided to take an hour nap. My hour nap was much longer than intended but, much appreciated. I slept for three hours. I was only up and about for another 3 1/2-4 hours and then went back to sleep all night.

Both Flash and mom were proud of me for taking a nap. I am always told that I don't sleep enough, but I always struggle feeling like I'm wasting time by sleeping. Yesterday, however, I was so thankful for the extra sleep.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

6 Weeks yesterday

As of yesterday, there were only 6 weeks left until Peanut's due date. Flash and I realized that if she comes 3-4 weeks early, that is only in 2-3 weeks. We are really excited but it has been a roller-coaster of a week already.

For those that don't know, my dad's mom (Cass) was in a really bad car accident Tuesday. John Becker (her brother) and John Kroh (her brother in-law) both were in the car and died. As far as I know Cass is still in ICU in PA. She was dead and they revived her and she is currently stable but all of her ribs are broken and her neck is as well. Mom, Dad and Jean leave this morning to drive out to PA. We all wish they could bring her back with them.

For the flip side...

Elizabeth (my cousin on Mom's side) went into labor Tuesday night and had a baby boy that was 5lbs and 70z. He was about 3 1/2 weeks early. When my family gets back, they will have pictures of Elizabeth and her baby. I'm so excited to see.