Rob & Cathe had a cute nativity that they do with the kids. We were privileged to participate this year. It was fun. We enjoyed spending the weekend with David & Robyn as well as seeing their new house. The men all helped build a deck on the front of the house but sadly, it was not finished...maybe we will have to make another trip down to help ;)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Pretty, Pretty Princess

We have been enjoying our beautiful baby girl and all her smiles. I will try to update everyone and if you have any questions, please let us know.
Peanut has Tetralogy of Fallot (Tets). This is a congenital heart defect and she will have surgery. After surgery she will be fine, with just check ups once a year. Her Tets does not cause her pain, however due to it, she gets to see a Pulmonologist and get a synagis shot once a month until March or April to help her not get sick. This shot takes her chances of ending up in the hospital, if she gets sick, from 80% to 20%. During this time we are not to have her around many people, so....I am attending sacrament with some friends at 9:00 a.m. and Gordon is attending our ward at 1:00 p.m. This way we can both partake of the sacrament and still take care of our daughter.
Our Peanut's tentative surgery date is February 11th. We will meet with her surgeons on January 20th and will find out then if the date will change or not.
I will be posting little videos of our Princess and some of our family on our family website later today so everyone can enjoy the family.
Love you!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Gordon and I have to be at the hospital by 8:25 a.m. in the morning. Unless things get interesting tonight with the contractions I have been having, I will be induced tomorrow.
It is exciting to thing that we will get to see Peanut so soon (it is also a little scary). I think that it is all very surreal for us both still. I guess tomorrow that we will be slammed into reality, ready or not.
We are planning to have the baby blessing on November 7th. More information on it will come as we get a little closer.
We love you all and thank you for your support!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Things to come
With having less than a week from my due date and finally feeling better from being really sick, I am a little scared but I have a wonderful family and an amazing husband.
Long ago I decided I wanted to have a "natural" child birth. I am so grateful for my mom and Gordon and their amazing love and support. They are so encouraging and loving. I know so many people that think I am crazy and even people that are related to me that would like to convince me to give in now and have an epidural. It means so much that in the whirlwind of all the negativity about my decision, I have two amazing people to physically stand by my side and I know even with them, I have my Savior to lean on as well.
Gordon and I have been going for walks every night. I feel so blessed to have such a loving husband who will walk slow around our complex a million times because I am afraid of walking too fast for too long for fear it will send me into labor.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Come take a tour
We finished Peanut's room a while ago, except for putting pictures on the wall. Here it is for everyone to see.
Yes, there is pink in her room.
Yes, there is pink in her room.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Being Productive
Gordon and I are just waiting until Anna is ready to make her debut.
In the mean time...
Gordon and I decided that we wanted to be self-reliant and proactive, so...
I made banana bread and muffins that are now in the freezer, we can heat them up in the toaster or microwave for a snack or breakfast. I also have a strawberry-banana fruit leather done.
In the next couple days I plan to make granola bars, rice crispy treats, more fruit leather, some homemade ravioli that we can freeze to pull out for dinners and another batch of homemade hot pockets. This is all so if I don't feel up to cooking or don't feel like I have the time, we will have plenty to rely on...not to mention homemade food is always cheeper, healthier and taste better as well.
I only need to remember that I can't do it all at once and that it is not a big deal if it all doesn't get done.
Things I have learned...
I have learned quite a bit in the last two weeks(not in order):
1. I get really bad headaches when I don't get enough rest.
2. Heartburn is different for everyone and now I know what it feels like.
3. Heartburn can literally burn your throat and tongue (you don't want to feel that, trust me).
4. Heartburn can make it so it is very hard to breath.
5. Heartburn is normal at this stage of pregnancy.
6. Gordon is extremely patient with me, even when I'm sick, grumpy and get nothing done ALL day.
7. The baby's room is smaller than we thought, but the dresser fits into the closet nicely.
8. I love work and my boss, but I just want to be home.
9. Everyone is way excited for Peanut to arrive.
10. We don't have as much as we thought we did for her and will need to buy more of everything.
11. We should find a time for a baby shower/meet and great.
12. Time goes by so fast. It feels like we were just dating and not we have been married and about to have a baby all at once.
13. More people want to help and we never know what to get help with (and we are prideful) so we never accept help.
14. We are so blessed to have family so close and so helpful.
15. Baby blessings can be in other wards that are not yours and they can also be done in your home.
16. If you go to the ER when you are pregnant, they take care of you immediately and they also transfer you to Labor & Delivery as soon as possible.
17. The ultrasound technician doesn't give you warning when she changes wands and all of the sudden there is a 4-d image of your baby on the screen.
18. Babies turn when they want and sometimes they just don't turn.
19. Heavenly Father knows what is best for all. He loves each of us and you will always be comforted, even if your emotions are confusing.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Mixed emotions...
So with the possibility of having a baby in a week approaching, I am really struggling with how I feel.
There is a part of me that would like Peanut to be breech when I go in on Monday so I can have her Tuesday, but there is another part of me that wants to wait until I go into labor naturally.
There seems to be so many advantages to both. One of the biggest advantages of having her next week...I get to hold her sooner rather than later.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So, I went in for my check up and sono today. Peanut is still breech...this is not too big of a deal because she has some time to turn.
On September 28th, I will have another sono and if she is still breech, I will be checked into the hospital on the 29th and they will try to do a version. This is where they will try to turn her manually from the outside. Bellow is somethings that we have to be aware of. I copied it from this website. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Although rare, there can be some complications with version:
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Problems with the baby's heart rate
- Placental abruption
- Preterm labor
Friday, September 11, 2009
Being Proud
I know I shouldn't be thankful of people being proud of me...but I am and to be honest, I am proud of myself too. Let me explain....
Yesterday I had a really bad headache that just kept getting worse as the day went on. By the time I went back into work at 2:00 p.m. I was really just wanting to go home. Because there were enough people working, I ended up leaving work at 3:30 p.m. (three hours early) and going home. I was so thankful. After getting home I toughed base with my mom and Flash and then decided to take an hour nap. My hour nap was much longer than intended but, much appreciated. I slept for three hours. I was only up and about for another 3 1/2-4 hours and then went back to sleep all night.
Both Flash and mom were proud of me for taking a nap. I am always told that I don't sleep enough, but I always struggle feeling like I'm wasting time by sleeping. Yesterday, however, I was so thankful for the extra sleep.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
6 Weeks yesterday
As of yesterday, there were only 6 weeks left until Peanut's due date. Flash and I realized that if she comes 3-4 weeks early, that is only in 2-3 weeks. We are really excited but it has been a roller-coaster of a week already.
For those that don't know, my dad's mom (Cass) was in a really bad car accident Tuesday. John Becker (her brother) and John Kroh (her brother in-law) both were in the car and died. As far as I know Cass is still in ICU in PA. She was dead and they revived her and she is currently stable but all of her ribs are broken and her neck is as well. Mom, Dad and Jean leave this morning to drive out to PA. We all wish they could bring her back with them.
For the flip side...
Elizabeth (my cousin on Mom's side) went into labor Tuesday night and had a baby boy that was 5lbs and 70z. He was about 3 1/2 weeks early. When my family gets back, they will have pictures of Elizabeth and her baby. I'm so excited to see.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I keep thinking about writing on the blog but by when I finally have time, I have forgotten half of what I wanted to say and the cute little lines I think about for titles.
Today has been a harder day than most. I am feeling very weak and lethargic. It started a little last night but this morning it was worse. It is most likely my fault because I struggle with taking ALL my pill everyday. I have been trying but I sometimes don't succeed. Due to this Flash and I are going to start working on a reward system. If I take seven straight days of vitamins, then I get something. We started with last night so if I can make it until next Tuesday, Flash will take me out for dinner before Institute instead of me having to cook that night. Each week we will decide what the new reward will be, like sleeping in or a foot massage or something that he comes up with. If you have ideas, feel free to suggest them.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We Are Loved!!!
The blessings have just been pouring into our lives. Let me explain (as in order to when they came):
#1. Memorial day weekend Gordon's district at Mattress Firm did better than all the other districts so everyone got to pick a prize...We got a flip video camera
#2. July 4th weekend Gordon's district at Mattress Firm did better than all the other districts so everyone got to pick a prize...We are getting a Garmin Nuvi 205 GPS System.
#3. My friend's mom gave us a rocking chair that is wonderful and comfy.
#4. Ann told me about the Once Upon A Child sale and I was able to get a ton of clothes for very little, then she bought us some clothes and a bouncer from there.
#5. Ann, the mother of the twins I used to nanny, gave us a Crib with a drop-down side and a mattress.
#6. Ann also gave us a Glider for the babies room.
#7. Gordon name was drawn (they randomly picked 18 people) to win a Dell Mini Laptop.
#8. We are picking up a changing table tonight from freecycle.
#9. The week of my birthday, Gordon got 3 days off and he bought me the 10' Christus!
Friday, July 10, 2009
6 months and...6 months
Yesterday marked six months being married! Wow has time gone by so fast, yet we feel like we have been married for longer. Last night I came home to flowers, a card and pizza so I didn't have to cook! What wonderful things at 9:45 p.m.!
This also means that I am six months pregnant! Our Peanut moves a lot! She enjoys my evening class but not my morning class...just like me. Finals are today so hopefully that means we can relax some and get more things prepared for her to come.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What is blue, has AC and moves...
We bought a blue Dodge Caliber SXT last week at CarMax in Plano! It was a 2008 hatchback and it had just under 15k miles on it. It also came from Hawaii so still need to get the undercarriage washed really well.
We worked with Brad there and he was very nice and helpful. We also asked my brother Robert to come along because he used to work at that store and he knows all the things to look out for as well.
Now, don't laugh....I am most thankful for the AC!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Baby Girl, Baby Girl, Baby Girl...
We are pleased to announce that we have decided on a name for our little girl! Feel free to call, email or text us if you would like to know.
We have been given one cute pink and white dress (yes, it is very girly) and we have the cutest socks in the world that friend gave me for her. We have Sunday socks and baby blessing socks (they have cute little white pearls on them).
We are so excited!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
YEA!!! A New Ward...
Last night Brad and Aly were over for FHE and they helped me unpack more boxes and tidy up a bit more. Right after we finished straightening the kitchen, living room and dining room, there was a knock on the front door. Brad answered for me and was of course assumed to be Gordon at first. It was the EQP from the Lake Cities 1st ward and another member of the ward that wanted to come by and welcome us to the ward.
YEA!!! It was so wonderful to be welcomed to the ward, even though Gordon had to miss it because of work.
After attending a ward these last couple months were we never felt like we belonged and often times couldn't even sit in the chapel, it is nice to have someone welcome us before we even attend on Sunday.
YEA!!! It was so wonderful to be welcomed to the ward, even though Gordon had to miss it because of work.
After attending a ward these last couple months were we never felt like we belonged and often times couldn't even sit in the chapel, it is nice to have someone welcome us before we even attend on Sunday.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen...
For years this has been the joke of a woman's place. I got to thinking how funny it really is. In less than a week, I have spent time in 5 different kitchens and only one was I not in barefoot. Tomorrow will add number 6 to the list as my mom and I will pick up the keys to our new apartment and start cleaning.
Thank you Wil, Brian and Paul for the joke. It would always make me laugh or get me riled. You have to love family :)
Thank you Wil, Brian and Paul for the joke. It would always make me laugh or get me riled. You have to love family :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
What do you mean I can't eat cheese?
This week I was going I started to have the first thoughts of why am I pregnant. A friend of mine decided to tell me that I cannot eat ANY soft cheese because of Listeria. I was shocked. I have a wonderful mom and so many friends and family that have gone through pregnancy, why wouldn't anyone tell me this in the beginning?
My boss and I looked it up and I called to Dr. to confirm all we read. I felt so relieved. I can eat as much cheese as I long as it is pasteurized :) So bring on the feta for my salads and babybel because it is the best and everything else so tasty.
My boss and I looked it up and I called to Dr. to confirm all we read. I felt so relieved. I can eat as much cheese as I long as it is pasteurized :) So bring on the feta for my salads and babybel because it is the best and everything else so tasty.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bad Day To Be A Baby Bird
So things have been crazy for me with school and being sick. I am on amoxicillin and some type of cough medicine I can take only at night.
I have my ceramic crit tomorrow and I am loaded the kiln last night. everything looked great going in, but I don't know what it will look like coming out. I am a little nervous. I want everything to look really good. Because I loaded last night I was up at the studio late.
When I walked out of the studio, there was a horrible site....a tiny dead baby bird that was probably just a couple days old. I felt so bad for it. I talked with two of my classmates that were still working and that decided that either the bird was sick and would starve to death so this way it didn't suffer as much or it was sick and would make all the other little babies sick and they would have all died, so this way, only one had to die. I kept thinking about that poor baby bird though. I have decided that for my mind the baby bird was so perfect that all it needed was a body.
I have my ceramic crit tomorrow and I am loaded the kiln last night. everything looked great going in, but I don't know what it will look like coming out. I am a little nervous. I want everything to look really good. Because I loaded last night I was up at the studio late.
When I walked out of the studio, there was a horrible site....a tiny dead baby bird that was probably just a couple days old. I felt so bad for it. I talked with two of my classmates that were still working and that decided that either the bird was sick and would starve to death so this way it didn't suffer as much or it was sick and would make all the other little babies sick and they would have all died, so this way, only one had to die. I kept thinking about that poor baby bird though. I have decided that for my mind the baby bird was so perfect that all it needed was a body.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Conversion Week
Brother Henderson is amazing!
Brother Henderson, Director at the Denton Institute of Religion, has instituted a “Conversion Week.” This week is dedicated to students that have dropped below 75% attendance to help them make up their missed days, however, everyone is invited and encouraged to be involved. This week long event in the Denton Institute will not only help the students maintain their parking pass, but also help strengthen their testimonies. Because conversion is not something that happens all at once, it is important for students to continue to convert themselves throughout their lives.
Brother Henderson, Director at the Denton Institute of Religion, has instituted a “Conversion Week.” This week is dedicated to students that have dropped below 75% attendance to help them make up their missed days, however, everyone is invited and encouraged to be involved. This week long event in the Denton Institute will not only help the students maintain their parking pass, but also help strengthen their testimonies. Because conversion is not something that happens all at once, it is important for students to continue to convert themselves throughout their lives.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'm wearing jeans today!!!
Yesterday was Flash's day off. It was and exciting day. We were able to have lunch together and then went shopping. He bought me two pairs of maternity jeans and two shirts. I can't tell you how excited I am to have jeans on. I have been wearing sweat pants for what feels like almost two months. I am so thankful for jeans. I feel so much better with them on than with sweat pants on. I know it's all a mental thing but it makes me feel better to have on jeans today!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The LDS Bible in Spanish
Today in between conference sessions they talked about the publication of the LDS version of the Bible in Spanish. I'm so excited!!! What a great thing!!! They are also recording readings of it so people can take it anywhere!!
Here is a link to the news article:
Here is a link to the news article:
Friday, March 27, 2009
We had out check up today and we found out that Peanut is farther along than we thought. Our due date is October 14, 2009. So I am 11 weeks and 2 days.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Peanut Update!!!
We had our ultrasound yesterday. Flash and mom were there with me. The pictures are a little fuzzy and some people think Peanut looks like a dinosaur. I have a check up Friday.

Friends Reunite
The highlight of our trip was Flash having the opportunity to meet Angelina and for us have dinner with the Petrellas. They are such wonderful people that I admire so much. I wish we could live closer to them so I could see them more often.
Home at last
March 14th I had the privilege of going home again. I should probably explain some because I never use that word. My family is from small mining towns in the Pennsylvania mountains.
Wil and his family were willing to pick up Flash and I and take us to see my Grandmas and some of the rest of my extended family. It was all a first for Flash, but I am happy to say that they loved him...just not as much as I do :-)
Wil and his family were willing to pick up Flash and I and take us to see my Grandmas and some of the rest of my extended family. It was all a first for Flash, but I am happy to say that they loved him...just not as much as I do :-)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Baby Update
My appointment went well. We don't know much yet. We have an ultrasound on the 24th at 2:30 p.m. We guess we will find out then if we get triplets or not :) We didn't leave the office until 11:10 and we arrived at 8:10. They had some trouble with my veins rolling and collapsing like usual.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Families are Forever
Tomorrow morning I will be going to the OBGYN. I had a dream Sunday night that we were having two girls and a boy.

Image is FPO

Image is FPO

Monday, January 19, 2009
One year ago...
Sitting in church, he reaches over and tries to hold my hand. Like always, I pull away. Feeling like I was wrong, I gave in to the feeling, that I needed to let him into my life...
Looking back to that day, I would have never seen that one year later, would equal 10 days married.
I thank the Lord for smacking me up side the head and giving me the love of my life.
Looking back to that day, I would have never seen that one year later, would equal 10 days married.
I thank the Lord for smacking me up side the head and giving me the love of my life.

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