I was planning to blog on Mother's day and it never happened. We had a pretty neat experience on our way to church that day that seamed only fitting for the day. We noticed a car headed the opposite direction was going really slow so we were looking to see what was going on and if they needed help as we approached. We were soon close enough to see that the car was helping a Momma duck protect its babies from other cars driving on the road. She had lead them across the street and they were going up over the curb to a pond on that side of the road. We thought it was really cute and wished we had our camera to document it.
The Spring semester ended with me taking an incomplete in one of my classes. I will be making up the class during Summer II. The following Monday after my last spring final started the Maymester classes. I made an A in that class and learned a ton. It was a great class and a great networking source. Summer I started the Monday after Maymester ended and I am taking a Special Problems class and a 10wk class that spans Summer I & II. I will get a small break in August between all my summer classes and the beginning of Fall
For Father's day Princess Peanut and I had both mine and Gordon's bike fixed as well as surprised him at work with a helium balloon, skittles and a Sonic drink all before the actual day. Gordon has always wanted a large picture from our wedding pictures up on the wall. I was able to get one printed for Father's day that he really likes, but I have yet to get it framed.
Princess is a little mover, like we always knew she would be. She crawls everywhere and loves to pull up on everything to stand. She likes to hold our hands to walk as well. She is healthy as well. We have a check up with her cardiologist next week and only expect them to tell us she is small. At 8 months she is only 15lbs and still wearing many 3 month clothes. We have only been able to put a few away that do not fit. Oh, and she has no teeth but :)
Peanut talks! Our baby loves to babble, but she has mastered mama. It took Gordon a day to realize that she really knew what she was saying. I think watching her say my name while crawling towards me is what did it for him. She will call me as she is trying to get to me and as soon as I pick her up she will stop talking and smile. What a cutie. My only thing is I have been trying to get her to say daddy for months and I have not even heard one "d" sound come out of her mouth.
The picture at the top was taken this week on my phone while Princess and I were playing. She just stopped and put her head down to rest for a little and I thought it was too cute!